Stop the YouTube Ab Workout Overload & Endless Instagram Diet Reels…

Discover the No-Fluff Method to Melt 7 cm of Stubborn Fat From Your Waist in 7 Weeks
(Or Less)

No more cheap “challenges” or fad diets that pump your hopes, only to leave you feeling drained & miserable.

There’s an almost OBVIOUS truth behind every fitness influencer’s tiny waistline and no one even talks about it.

It’s so simple that it gets lost in the constant stream of belly-busting, glute-sculpting info, even though this rule is the foundation to a healthy body.

But every flat belly and gravity-defying booty starts with one universal rule:

All training & dieting you do has to be compatible with your body.

If you thought something along the lines of “duh” just now, so did I, until…

I’d watch a skinny Instagram model’s “what I eat in a day” reel and feel ashamed that her portions were tiny compared to mine...

And it left my stomach growling for more.

Or a Youtuber’s chiseled core effortlessly crunch through a “beginner” ab challenge that left me gasping for air after 30 seconds

While underneath every post were waves of comments from other followers sharing how much weight they had lost thanks to their videos.

I’d lie awake at night  wondering what was wrong with me…

if I was finding all of the “right” advice, but still wasn’t any closer to having the hourglass figure I was working so hard for.

Maybe you’ve been there too, but I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault,The only “right” way to approach fitness is your way. Which sounds easy enough, except for one little problem…

Nobody ever bothers to explain what routines are most compatible with your body.

Hi, I'm Liz!

Only 3 years ago, I was another girl-next-door trying every viral diet & workout challenge I could find online,

Tirelessly chasing a fantasy of walking down the beach, golden skin glowing, turning heads as saltwater dripped from my wasp waist…

Instead, reality kept thumping me upside the head with hip dips and flabby, jiggly, intrusive thoughts.

ESPECIALLY when it came to the insecurity I felt every time I saw the medicine ball-looking body staring back at me in the mirror…

Pinching at my love handles, always agonizing over something new to criticize…

When it came to my body, I thought the answer was “female-friendly” workouts to be smaller and leaner...

Which meant putting myself through hours of repetitive cardio, exhausting HIIT, and sweating by any means possible,

All in an anxious attempt to move the scale down.

Yet, later I’d learn that doing cardio alone was contributing to my pudginess and flabby muscles.

So when that didn’t work, I followed every fad diet I could think of–from low carb to fasting…

And was spending more time counting calories than eating them.

The constant changes in nutrients put my body through so much stress that it thought I was in survival mode!

I was at my absolute breaking point…

Constantly tired, moody, and more insecure than ever when I still looked bloated from cycling between binge eating and overtraining.

The answer was always more HIIT, more cardio, and less food

It felt like nothing I did was ever enough. 

Yet, it wasn’t all a complete disaster, either…

After exhausting all other options, I’d been trying something with my newest trainer that I avoided like the plague before, scared I would “bulk up”...

I ate more and put a little more focus on strength training.

I was still a total cardio-addict, but…

I noticed that–although my muscles were getting a little firmer–I was looking leaner,

And I wasn’t feeling bloated nearly as often on strength training days.

After countless trainers, endless YouTube & Instagram workouts, and thousands of dollars poured into programs…

I discovered a pattern with the meals & workouts that my body responded best to,

The ones that left me more energetic and gave me an endorphin rush at the end.

It wasn’t pure cardio or pure strength training, but something much deeper than that…

I was making small progress before, but the growth was exponential after this pattern clicked for me. I want to share this pattern with you, which all started with discovering…

There are 3 health myths that will destroy any chance you have at getting fit.

Myth #1 - You have to eat small, restrictive portions to lose weight.

Wrong. Food is energy, girl! Low-carb, low-fat, low-whatever just limits the fuel that keeps you going throughout the day.
Eating balanced, whole foods that suit your body is the key to keeping you going and losing fat while you do it.

Myth #2 - Women can only exercise with cardio or HIIT, because strength training will make you bulky/manly.

Wrong again. Women have muscles too, and that’s not a bad thing.In fact, working your muscles will actually burn off more calories and fat to help the muscles recover!As you sculpt your body with strength training, you’ll actually be able to better highlight your most feminine features, achieving that hourglass figure.

Myth #3 - There’s a one-size-fits-all solution to being healthy and fit.

Wrong, wrong, a million times wrong!!! I was almost too embarrassed to mention all the hours and money I poured into training & lessons, because I was missing the most important piece of the puzzle…everybody is different.

How can every fitness YouTuber promise to transform my body without even knowing me?

But after overcoming these myths,

That’s when I realized how athletes, models, and influencers were tailoring their routines to what worked specifically for them.

Your ideal health & fitness journey’s growth is determined by what I discovered to be four main gardens:

  1. Your Physical Garden - your body’s current physical state and capabilities,
  2. Your Energy Garden - what fuel your body best responds to,
  3. Your External Garden - the influence of friends, family, work-life, and the comparison of your life to others,
  4. Your Fulfillment Garden - the goals you’re working towards, both physically and personally.

In short, my life and priorities were completely misaligned.

Let me explain

My Physical Garden nurtured the ability to run 10km, but severely lacked the muscular endurance to even carry myself through the day,

My Energy Garden was being malnourished, as I deprived myself of nutrients with weird fad diets,

My External Garden was pulling me in all directions as I bounced between long work hours, long nights out partying, and little time to ever rest,

And my Fulfillment Garden was guiding me towards a hopelessly vain pursuit…eating & exercising for aesthetic, rather than for my own wellness and longevity.

In short, my life and priorities were completely misaligned.

Once I discovered my gardens and realigned my lifestyle accordingly, it was like I snapped out of a haze I didn’t realize I was in all my life.

All my friends and colleagues commented on how much more cheerful I was around them, even noticing a new little strut in my step.

My love handles had completely melted off, despite the fact that I was eating more than ever before.

But what really blew me away was that, as I narrowed my waist while enjoying my new wholesome meals…

I managed to do my first-ever pull-up…I was getting stronger while getting slimmer.

After all the tears, trial & error, and relapses with binging, I not only had my own body & mind in peak condition

I had this golden new step-by-step formula that guaranteed a healthy lifestyle

All thanks to the Four Gardens, plus the hours & dollars spent on training sessions.

But not everybody has the time to go through the hundreds of hours of research and testing that I did.

That’s why I decided to blend all of my knowledge & experience together with the Four Gardens to create this same step-by-step formula that anybody can follow.

If you’re unsure about your Four Gardens,
Or don’t know even know how to pick up a dumbbell,

That’s okay, because I actually take care of all of that for you with the all new scientifically-based, fully personalized…

Sun Sculpted 90 Day Body Transformation

I’m super excited to invite you to join me on this 12-week journey focused 100% on the most important decider of your health–you!

This is a custom-tailored program that takes all of the guesswork out of the gym and the kitchen for you.

  • No more picking up random weights at the gym, confused about what to work on next,
  • No more flimsy salads and bland, flavorless meals,
  • No more bottomless pits of YouTube workout challenges & Instagram recipe reels!!

Using the Sun Formula questionnaire, I’ll work with you to pinpoint your Four Gardens and personally design a workout & meal plan that fits you.

You won't find any crazy workouts or always-changing routines either,

Instead, it's all about using your unique Gardens to become strong & sculpted in the easiest and most efficient way for you.

All you need to get started is a phone and access to some basic gym equipment.

And because each plan is designed around your Gardens, this works even if you:

  • Have a hectic schedule,
  • Have injuries that stop you from doing certain workouts,
  • or if you have any dietary restrictions.

It’s designed entirely around YOU.

But here's the catch, this is not...

A fad workout challenge - I personally design each and every program around your physique and Garden goals to get your body & mind fortified at the end of these 12 weeks.

A gimmicky diet - Each meal is backed by science for optimal nutrition,Then carefully chosen for your body, using the info you provided in the Sun Formula questionnaire.

A magic solution - Although this is as close to done-for-you as it can get, you still have to put in the work to see the amazing results.But don’t worry! You’ll have my support throughout every step, just a few simple clicks away.

However, if you’re ready to take on a lifestyle of growth & wellness, then…

Here’s what you can expect inside the Sun Sculpted 90 Day Body Transformation:

A Made-For-You Body Blueprint
You’ll know exactly what to do every time you step into the gym, just open up your preloaded workout on the convenient Trainerize app.The program includes 3 custom-selected workouts per week and takes you through 5 phases for your total body transformation.Adjustments can always be made based on your needs and comfort level, too!

Know Exactly How to Fuel YourselfEat clean while keeping the fun in your food!Get step-by-step meal recipes, along with all the nutritional info you need,All based on your personal Energy Garden from the Sun Formula questionnaire.

Safely Train Like a Pro at the GymUnsure about a certain exercise? Get it right the first time–just send me a video in the Trainerize app for an expert form check,I'll talk you through any necessary fixes so you can confidently tackle your workout.

Accountability in Your PocketYour Four Gardens will always keep up with your dynamic life.Check in weekly to track your progress, see how things are going, and discuss any adjustments you may need to make.

Your Total Transformation ArchiveNot only do you get to track your progress in your weekly check-ins,You get access to summaries of all your milestones, weight changes, energy levels, and more with the built-in stats tracker.

Quick Response TimeI’m here for you! Whatever you need, I’ll always be in touch in less than 24 hours.

You get all this packaged into one easy-to-access app!

Getting started just takes a few taps on your phone.

The best part about the Sun Sculpted 90 Day Body Transformation is anyone with a smartphone can follow along.All you need to get started is the free, downloadable app–Trainerize.

Trainerize is your all-in-one hub for your workouts, meals, and chats with your on-the-go trainer!

Simple! 😉

It can’t possibly be THAT simple, what’s the real catch here?

Okay, there is one little thing I should mention…

Because this is such a personalized program where you also get near-24/7 access to communication with me, spots are super limited.

As much as I wish I could help everyone achieve their ideal body, in order to give you the personal attention you deserve throughout the program, registrations close after all spots are filled.

Liz, this sounds amazing, but what does it cost?

Look, I spent thousands of dollars on training and diet programs to get where I am today in my fitness journey.

But that’s nothing in comparison to the cost to my own physical & mental health before I found the Sun Sculpted lifestyle.

Most one-on-one personal trainers can cost hundreds of dollars per hour at any gym, which can quickly add up each month for weekly sessions.

At one point, I was spending $700 per month on personal training plus a dietician.

I don’t want you (or your bank account) to go through the same pain and frustration I did, though.

That’s why, to make this as easy as possible for you to focus on getting your health and fitness on point…

I’m offering you access to the Sun Sculpted 90 Day Body Transformation for a flat $537 for the full 12 weeks.

That’s $537 for 3 whole months of fully-custom guidance as you sculpt your evergreen beach body.That includes…

You can even choose your own payment plan–split into weekly, monthly, or a one-time installment.

And the workouts & recipes (plus your new sculpted physique) are yours to keep for life.

Yes! I'm ready to become my best self!

Still have questions? I got you...

Is the app easy to use?
Everything you need is accessible in one app, available on Apple and Android devices. You can also access the program using a web browser on your laptop. It takes 2 minutes after a workout to enter weights and reps performed, and 5 minutes to log your food for the day (less if you eat similar things every day.) And I will see all your info immediately.

What equipment do I need for this plan?
This program requires you to have access to a barbell, dumbbells, a pull-up bar, and a cable machine. If you have limited equipment, that's ok! The program can be tweaked to use only barbells/dumbbells and no machines.

What if I have never trained before?
I’ve got you, girl! Every workout includes written descriptions and demonstration videos to show you the proper form and technique for each exercise. Once you’ve completed your first week, I will provide weight suggestions for the upcoming workouts so you will never feel clueless in the gym again.

How fast will I see results?
Within the first week, you’ll start to feel better, healthier, and more energetic as your body is nourished with nutritious whole foods and proper exercise.

You’ll see the biggest jump in progress between days 30-60, where you’ll get stronger, leaner, and start to see noticeable improvements like toning and waist reduction. 7 cm in 7 weeks was more than a catchy line–it was a real result by one of our Sun Sculpted members! I’ve also seen members perform their first-ever pull-up on this stage.

The final third of the program is where you’ll really see the payoff overall. You’ll feel stronger, more toned, significantly improved mood & sleep, and a confidence like never before. This is where your lifestyle has adapted, and as you exit the Sun Sculpted Program, you’ll have everything you need to continue the lifestyle all on your own.

What if I'm already doing other workouts that I enjoy?
The beauty of this program is it allows you to add your own workouts to the schedule, whether that be a weekly jog or spinning class. I recommend you prioritize the workouts in this plan and take a minimum of one rest day a week so you get the best results. If you are participating in other workouts or classes, you can add those to the app too. And I will see all your info immediately.

I’m on a vegan / paleo / pescatarian / other diet, can I still follow the meal plan?
 Your current dietary habits/needs will be taken into account as soon as you fill in your info after joining. The meal plan is always fully-customized and can always be adjusted to any changes. And whether you want to follow the meal plan or not, you’ll always have access to the recipes and a chance to log any meals so you can still track everything in one place.